Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bean Bounce Exercise


  1. Nice character the bean is modeled awesomely :D. The animation is also synced with the animation really well.

    probably the only thing it needs is a few more frames added to the starting key pose.

  2. hehehe is all i see in that character's face. Bean 'hehe, hey Lydia, look at me bounce' XD. Nicely animated with a good squash and stretch emmmphasizing the bahounciness n_n.Nice pair of teeth he's got there haha :P

    Could hold the first and last frame a little longer...more anticipation

    Overall just tooooooo gewd hehe love it, maybe animate animate his eyebrows above those seeedy eyes for ultimate seedy.....ness :P

  3. The animation is synched with the animation? Some cryptic advice there but all feedback is good. Any form of response to work is recognition. Being aware that people have responded in some way to an animation is a reward to the animator.

    Keep practicing the critiques and sharing responses everyone (who reads this).
